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Video Games as Art
Messages : 1

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Video Games as Art posté le [16/06/2018] à 13:43


I love Video games. I love everything about them. What I wish is that The game have at least a significant quest where I have an artistic experience. I believe that the Video Game medium is the greatest possible medium that art can be on. Every other medium engages with a limited number of senses. Art relies on Seeing, Music relies on Hearing. The point of art is to give the witness of the art an experience which teaches them something. This something could be about the human experience, or the nature of the world, etc. Point is, it is worth while to experience. Because Video Games are so immersive, I feel that they are the ultimate artistic medium. Since this game has so much potential for exploring the human condition, I think that a good portion of the game, or maybe a significant side quest, should be devoted to giving the player a truly artistic experience.

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